2020 Sebastopol City Council Election Endorsements for Diana Rich
Listed below are personal endorsements for Diana. Any titles and/or organization affiliations that are included below are for identification purposes only and do not indicate endorsement by the organization itself.
Lynda Hopkins, Supervisor, Fifth District, Sonoma County
Patrick Slayter, Mayor, City of Sebastopol
Una Glass, Vice Mayor, City of Sebastopol
Sarah Glade Gurney, Sebastopol City Councilmember & Former Mayor
David Abbott, Sonoma West Times & News Former Editor
Isaak Acuna, Electronics Technician, United States Navy
Susan Ahart, Psychiatrist
Ledlie Allen, Elementary School Teacher
Patrick Amiot & Brigitte Laurent, Artists
Chris Anderegg
Joyce Avignon-Hamilton, High School Counselor (ret.)/SRJC Faculty
Connie Ayers, Family Physician/California Naturalist/Family Farmer
Robert Bailey, Nationally Recognized Trial Consultant and Filmmaker
Carol Baltz
Wendy Bayless, Advisor-With-Many Hats (aka Mom)
Tasha Beauchamp, Elder Pages Online
Alan Beckstead, Local Nonprofit Board President
Kathy Bell, SRJC Faculty (ret.)
Makonnen Bent, Awesome Human Being
Bobbi Berens
Anne and Mike Bianucci
Dean Biersch, Hopmonk Tavern Owner
Dorothy Blake
Richard & Teresa Bland
Dena Bliss
Craig Boblitt, 2020 City of Sebastopol Locals Who Make a Difference Award Honoree
Pat Boblitt, Early Childhood Special Education Teacher/2020 Locals Who Make a Difference Award Honoree
Payton Bogges-Freitas, High School Teacher
Denver Booker, Sebastopol Bike Center
Richard & Robin Bowen
Renata Brillinger
Gale & Phil Brownell
Steve Bursch
Nancy Cadigan
Carol Capria
Carol and Andrew Carciere
Efren Carillo
Max Caruso
Diana Chambers, Internationally Published Author
Philena Chantha
Barry Chertov, WaccoBB.net
Gretchen Chertov
Janet Ciel, Farmer's Market Manager
Aleia Coate
Randy Coffman, The Wine Country Group
Carol Coleman, MFT
Linda Collins, Banking and Finance (ret.)
Mary Cone
Jim Corbett
Luana Cowan
Toby Cowan, Performance Design Group
Peter Coyote, Author/Narrator/Zen Priest
Rich Cundall (Lead Pastor, Local Church) & Laurie Cundall
Terry Dale, Sonoma County Mental Health (ret.), & Joanne Dale
Missy Danneberg, Early Childhood Educator (ret.)
Pamela Davis, Sonoma County Planning Commissioner, Fifth District
Carol De Bello
Katherine & Patrick Deeton
Ellen Desmond, Elementary School Teacher
Jerry Desmond, Attorney
Mia Del Prete, Director of HR for WSCUHSD/Rotarian/Sebastopol Chamber of Commerce Director
Donna Denevan-Lynch
Wolfgang Dilger, Bauhaus Construction
Gabrielle Disario
Jeff Doran, Software Developer/Engineer (ret.)
Dale Dougherty, Make: Magazine
Nancy Dougherty, Community Volunteer
Kevin & Rebecca Dwan
Molly Eckler
John Eder, Councilperson Emeritus
Douglas Emery, Educator (ret.)
Steven Fabian
Omar Figueroa, Attorney
Katheryn Fong
Derek Forman
Lu Frazier
Sunny Galbraith
Janice Gendreau
Holly Ghirann
Michael Gillotti, Peacemaker
Vanessa Glover
Jessica Gollnick, Dog Whisperer/Owner of Bonehemian Wags
Pamela Graber, Map Your Neighborhood Leadership Council
Stan Green, Sebastopol Neighborhood Communications Unit
David Gross, aka "Big Dave," host of the Rockabilly Roadhouse show on The KRUSH 95.9
Dan Gurney, Public School Kindergarten Teacher (ret.)
Randall & Elizabeth Hagen
Catherine Hallahan-Doran, Secondary School Teacher (ret.)
Jennifer Halleck, Halleck Vineyard
Ross Halleck, Halleck Vineyard
Steve Hamilton, Renewable Energy Consultant
Robert Harkavy
Ralph Harmon, Topographical Mapmaker (ret.)/Leather Craftsman/Member Kiwanis Club
Bob Haroche, Attorney
Renee Haroche, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
Linda Hartig
Hawke, City of Sebastopol "First Dog"
Pattie and David Heisser
Rodney Helvey, Sebastopol Neighborhood Communications Unit
John Henel, Software Engineer (ret.)
Dawn Heumann, Photographer
Paul Hock & Ann Strom
Rob Hogencamp, Three Leaves Foods Owner
Patty Holden
Keith Howell
Rick Humm, Educator/Coach
Pat Jackson, Sonoma State University Faculty
Robert Jacob, City of Sebastopol Former Mayor
Greg Jacobs, Deputy District Attorney (ret.)
Kenneth H. Jacobs, Attorney at Law
Lawrence Jaffe
Greg Jilka, Attorney
Skip Jirrels, City Public Safety Outreach Coordinator
Chris and Charlie Judson
Michele Kimble, Communications & PR
Jude Kreissman
Harold Kwalwasser, Educator/Author/Rotarian
Colleen and Craig Lazanich
Howard Levy and Liz Knisely
Nancy LoDolce
Jen and Eric Lofchie
Charmaine Louzao
Marsha Sue Lustig, Public Health Advocate
Ed Lynch
Margaret Lynch
Wayne Madgett
Anne Magnie, Former Sebastopol Mayor
Joe Maloney, Contractor/High School Teacher
Linda Maloney, SRJC Faculty
Ali & Warren Mann, Children's Music School Founders
Buzzy Martin and Laura Van Portfleet
Frank & Kathie Mayhew
Jim McAdams
Judy McCann
Keller McDonald, West Sonoma County Union High School District Superintendent (ret.)
Marian McDonald, RN
Michaela McGivern, Energy Medicine Practitioner
Franny Minervini-Zick, Local Preschool Founder/Gardener/BeeTender
Glenn Minervini-Zick, CPA/Masters in Healthcare Administration
Tim Moore, Financial Advisor
Alan Murakami, Community Advocate
Rick and Kathi Murphy
Clare Najarian
John Necker
Oren Noah, Attorney
Bill and Kathy Oetinger
Bill Olzman and Laura Malcolm
Adam & Nancy Orth
Bob Oshun
Carol Otis
Jim Pacatte, Pacatte Construction/Rotarian and wife Rosemarie Pacatte
Patricia Padilla-Noah, Physician
John Parry and Laura Goldman
Jim Passage
Greg Paxton, Ferry Boat Captain (ret.)
Teresa T. Paxton, Political Activist
Paula C. Pearce
Pauline Pellini, Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year 2000/Senior Center Aged to Perfection Honoree 2010
Alexis and Angela Persinger, Persinger Architects and Associates
Lisa Pierce
Glen Pinnow
Russ Pinto
Delora Porter, Firsters Map Your Neighborhood Group Founder
Trish Power, Registered Nurse (ret.)
Richard Power, Attorney (ret) /Rotary Club of Sebastopol Past President
Teresa and Darrell Ramondo
Bill & Becky Raymond
Alex Rich and Allisha Smith
Ben Rich, College Student
Daniel Rich, Eye Care Institute Physician
John Rich, Dentist (ret.)
Pat Rich, Elementary School Teacher (ret.)
Stephen Rich, Physician
Marty Roberts
Larry Robinson
Carlo Rossi, Independent Child Advocate
Linda Ruder, Analy High School Counselor
Thomas Rush
Kevin Russell, Musician/Concert Promoter/Psychotherapist
Theresa Russo, Local Nonprofit Board Member
Drake & Nioma Sadler
Amee Sas, Real Estate Agent
David Schreibman, Quality Business Machines Sales Manager/Rotary Club of Sebastopol Past President
Peter Schurch
Mark Setterland
Laura Shafer
Susan Bryer Shelton
Roger Sherman
Dan Smith & Joan Marler
Julie Smith, Fairy Princess/Physical Therapist
Paula Smith
Katharine Sparrow
Wayne Stanfield, Navy (ret.)/Commercial Pilot (ret.)/Campaign Sign Maker!
Cindy Stearns, Sonoma State University Faculty (ret.)
Cynthi Stefenoni
Patti Stack
Raini Sugg
Terri Tachovsky and Karen Knudson
Clay Takaya
Janny and Mark Tansil
C.J. and Rick Theis
Kathleen Thompson
Mitchell Thompson, Community Liaison, The Resourcery
Mike Thore
Maria & Mike Tinney, Universal Scale Services
Peggy Tourje & Jane Krensky, Community Activists
Steve Trippe, Youth Employment Prep Nonprofit Executive Director
Gabrielle Trubach
David Turchin
Seth Ubogy, Neuropsychologist
Robert Uleman, Data Science Engineer
Molly Underwood, Chef/Activist/Hospice Worker
Anjana Utarid, Nonprofit Executive Director
Bryan Varnadore, Owner Varnadore Painting
Laura Victor-van Gorder
Sherry Vierra
Ted Walker, Sonoma County Union High School District Trustee
Vaughan Whalen and Karen McClure
Judith Whitehouse
Tui Wilchinsky
Amie Windsor, Development Associate/Freelance Writer
Jason Windsor, Creative Director/Animator
Raphael E. Wolf
Gen Zorich, Local Arts Steering Committee Co-Chair