What non-tax options does the City have for increasing revenue?
The Budget Committee is presenting a long list of potential tax and non-tax revenue generating options at the November 7 City Council meeting. These options were initially outlined in the October 17 Revenue Options Staff Report (page 11 of 12), and then refined in the November 7 Revenue Options Staff Report (page 6-11 of 38).
The Minimum Goal: $1.7M-$2.6M in New Funding Annually
- The City has projected annual shortfalls of $1.7M to $2.6M through 2029-30. This is each year.
- A 1/2% Sales Tax will bring in $1.7M-$1.8M annually, core funding the is the foundation for a full solution. No other option comes close.
- Sources for the above: earlier news postings on the deficit, revenue options.
List of Priority Revenue Options (Nov 7 Revenue Options Staff Report)
- Tax Options
- Proposed Sales Tax Measure for March 2024
- Vacancy Tax for Commercial businesses
- Utility Users Tax (UUT)
- Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT)
- Parcel Tax
- Non-Tax Options
- Review of Formula Business Ordinance
- Development Fees
- Event Licenses
- Sonoma County Tourism
- Review of City Properties
- EMS Reimbursement
- Tiny Homes/ADUs
List of Other (Lower Priority) Revenue Options (Nov 7 Revenue Options Staff Report)
- Expansion of vacation rentals
- Review of all City leases
- Municipal bonds
- Reassessment of trench cut and other ordinances
- Business district expansion (Chamber of Commerce & Downtown Assoc are moving forward with this)
- Establish an Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District ( EIFD) (City Attorney making initial inquires)
- Revise City business license tax (Staff is doing initial research)
- Continue to seek grant opportunities (Staff has been and will continue to pursue grants)
- Cannabis Tax
List of Non-Revenue but Supportive Strategies (Nov 7 Revenue Options Staff Report)
- Combining and consolidating departments
- Review of capital improvement projects to identify those that can be delayed